Help Your Child
Brainspotting therapy can support nurturing secure attachment by helping heal attachment wounds and unresolved traumas stored within the brain and body. These experiences can influence our relationships with our children in ways we don’t realise at the time. Once healed, they can free up space to connect with our children in the present moment, we can see more of who our children are and share more of ourselves with them.
Brainspotting can help us find, process and release specific attachment-related traumas or disruptions stored in the nervous system. These traumas may stem from painful early childhood experiences, neglect, abandonment, or inconsistent caregiving, which can undermine our sense of security. By working with attachment-related traumas, we can release emotional blocks, process unresolved feelings, and show up as our adult selves in our relationships with our children more often.
“No matter how much insight and understanding we develop, the rational brain is basically impotent to talk the emotional brain out of its own reality.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk
Brainspotting therapy can help you create a new emotional reality of feeling safer in your body, your relationships and in the world. If you'd like to explore further how it can help you, please book a free initial consultation or fill in my Getting to Know You form. I look forward to hearing from you.